Sunday, June 22, 2008

Great Harvest

This post is also late but hopefully you're learning that that's the way we party with our blog sometimes. I (Travis) started working at Great Harvest in April as a bread baker. Yes, those are the people who go to work at 4:00 in the morning...but I really like my job. I enjoy being done with work before lunch. The early morning hours are tough some days but I nap after work and when school starts in September I'll only be working 2 days a week. Part of the reason I took the job is because I knew it was a job I could keep while going to school that wouldn't interfere much with classes. I get a free loaf every time I work and get to eat stuff while I'm there too. It's my kind of job.

That's the polite explanation I'm supposed to give but the real reason for this post is to show off my beautiful bread. I took these pics a while ago on a day I brought home a fresh loaf of nine grain whole wheat bread.
MmmMmm Good.
I know the pictures don't do it justice but just imagine biting into a steaming slice of buttered bread fresh from the oven. I want to go eat some right now.


jmholloway said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm! You make me hungry! We just had some delicious pizza though so I'm not too bummed. We're havin a great time here in TX! We went swimming yesterday and enjoyed a great Sacrament meeting today. More adventures to come! Love ya! Mom

Rachel Holloway said...

yummy! Sounds SOOOOO good!

You've got the right kind of job--send us some if you get the chance! :) jk!

Cassie and Mark said...

Hot dog! You're a great cook! Bring some over next time we see ya!