Monday, July 7, 2008

Our 4th of July

Now that all of the partying has slowed down, I can finally get to this post about the 4th of July! (j/k.) We did have a great weekend though. Well, here's the rundown of our 4th of July:

We got to spend the day with several of our family members--which was SO MUCH fun! Travis' dad; Travis' siblings Tyler, Tia, and Cassie, with her husband Mark and their two kids--Gavin and Megan; Grandma Larsen; and Mark's parents, all came down for the Rexburg parade. Wo-hoo!

We started off the day at Great Harvest, where we enjoyed scrumptious cinnamon rolls and side walk conversation.

"It is you Peter!" (see the movie "Hook.") jk. Gavin was sweet enough to run up and hug each of us in greeting. What a sweet kid. We love you Gav!

"I gets candy!" Gavin was all over the fact that many of the people in the parade would be tossing candy into the crowd. And who wouldn't be, really?

Gavin and his dad running to grab the tossed candy. Gavin was a great little scavenger and got quite the "pirate's booty" of candy for a 3-year-old! Go Gav!

Trav and I watchin' the parade. It was hot hot hot!

Gavin clapping for the floats that passed by:

Here are a few of the floats/groups from the parade:

We thought these horse riders were pretty tricksy.

A float for the annual International Dance Festival:

Travis' employer, Great Harvest's, float. (Notice the bread basket in the back of the car.) We Love Our Troops and Great Harvest Too!

A float depicting the crossing of the Delaware. I am so grateful for our founding fathers and for all of those who have continued to protect our freedom. I love living in the USA!

I should have thought to take a video of this one (dangit). Here, Mark is doing a Sugar City Cheer with the SCHS cheerleaders. You should have seen it, really. =) Go Diggers!

We are lovin' this!
After the parade, we headed over to Aunt Terri's house for a barbeque and some quality family time. Then, Cassie, Mark, Gavin, Megan, and the two of us went to Porter Park for "a day at the park." We had fun splashing around in the water park and tossing a frisbee around. And in the evening, we returned to Terri's to watch the fireworks and eat some popcorn (and get eaten by mosquitos). And a good time was had by all. Thanks everyone for celebrating our country's independence with us. We love you!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

Can you see the jealousy seeping through the computer and dripping down your screen?

Wish we could be there....wish so so jealous.