Saturday, July 12, 2008

A pizza fit for...Ruperman!

Saturday was pizza day for the Holloways in Rexburg. It's been a long, busy week and we could almost smell the freshly baked, homemade pizza before we finished our grocery shopping. There was nothing to do but give in and make it as soon as we got home. The dough recipe we use makes about a pizza and a half but we never eat that much so we use the extra for breadsticks or other experiments we feel like trying (we made a calzone once that was pretty good). Tonight, we decided to just make a mini pizza so i started rolling out the leftover dough. Now, we all know that standard pizzas are round and I personally am a big fan of round pizza but this second pizza we made turned out to be more than your average pizza. It naturally rolled out into more of a triangular shape and Jenny and I knew that this pizza was going to be special. This was going to be... a Ruperman Pizza (insert "Superman" theme music here).
You may think that I'm just mis-spelling "Superman" but that's not the case. Our oldest nephew, Gavin, is a big Superman fan and has some pretty cool Superman PJ's, cape included. But he has a little difficulty pronouncing the word "Superman." So when Gavin wears his Superman outfit he becomes the one and only Ruperman.
This pizza's for you, Ruperman. We'll save it for you til you come visit us again. Just kidding. But we'll definitely think of Ruperman when we eat this special pizza with his trademark symbol.

Ruperman's pizza before cooking. Have you ever tried to make an "R" out of pepperoni in a space that small? Yeah, not as easy as it sounds.

Jenny took a couple videos of me putting the pizza in the oven and pulling it out. Don't ask me why I'm wearing an oven mitt in the second video because the paddle wasn't hot at all. Habit, I guess. This was some pretty dang good pizza.



Rachel Holloway said...

Oooooohhhh! Ruperman pizza! That sounds SPECTACULAR! :) Way to go!

Cassie and Mark said...

Ruper cute post! I'm going to start a journal of funny things my kids say and that will definately go in the book! Thanks!