Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ward Campout

Our ward had a campout last weekend at Heise Hot Springs. We just went up for Friday evening because I had to come back for work Saturday morning but it was fun while we were there. Here are some pics that Jenny took.

There was volleyball...

and football... Some of the guys in the ward played a pretty intense game of 500. That was fun to watch. I know, you're all wondering why I didn't play since I am one of the biggest, strongest, toughest men around but I was busy helping Bishop Transtrum start the fire.

Me and Bishop T starting the campfire. I think I got enough smoke in my eyes that night to last me all year.

There was a campfire program planned and I was volunteered to be part of an Elders Quorum "skit" that wasn't really a skit. It was this game where I was acting like the host of a party and three of my guests had really weird quirks. I had to try to figure out what was wrong with them. One guy had an obsession with smelling hands, another guy was paranoid about his body odor and I don't remember the third one. It was pretty fun. Here's a picture.

This is everyone gathered around the campfire. There really was good turnout, more than I expected.

I was asked to make a dutch oven cobbler dessert for everyone. I borrowed Dad's two 14 inch dutch ovens and made one peach and one apple cobbler. They turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself. There was a lot leftover but on Sunday we took some to a family I home teach, my companion took some for him and his wife and we gave some to our new neighbors. Thank heaven for good friends to help you out with leftover food.


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Rachel Holloway said...

WHAT A COOL CAMPOUT! Ours were never like that...oh wait, we always had to be home by 7:30 to put the kids in bed....hmmmm....

Looks like a LOTTA FUN...and next time you have all that leftover cobbler, just bring some on over to us! We'll help ya!