Saturday, August 16, 2008

Job Update

I thought I'd write and let you all know that I've started my job at Great Harvest, and it is going well. I'm still kind of in that stressful, training stage (which has been multiplied since I'm being trained in every single shift but baking), but I'm learning quickly, I think, and doing pretty well. Some other pluses are that the boss likes me, I get to eat tons of goodies, and I get my first paycheck very soon! In addition, I've been able to pick up several shifts for the rest of the summer break, and will be assigned a regular part-time schedule when school starts, which will be nice as well. Overall, I feel very blessed by my Heavenly Father to have been given a job that I felt would be so good for me, and I think it will be. Remember--y'all are welcome to stop by and visit me there anytime!


Rachel Holloway said...

That is great! You'll get it in no time. What a great place to work--and YEAH for your first paycheck. Hope you treat yourself to something know what I mean. :)

jmholloway said...

Congratulations Jenny!

I know that you will pick it up and it will all feel natural soon. Good Luck!

Mindi :)