Tuesday, February 2, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 23

Question: What should I tell Helen's daughter Diane to convince her to let us do Helen's temple work?
My paternal grandfather (Roger Reed) had 3 marriages, the first to my dad's mother (Bernice Leach), and the last to Helen Doss, who he was married to for most of my life. Helen passed away over a year ago, and my heart has been touched the last two stake conferences to be proactive in performing her temple ordinances. The only catch is that we need permission from a close family member to do her work, and I have never (to my memory) spoken with a member of her family. However, my dad suggested the name of one of Helen's daughters (Diane) that they have had minimal contact with and gave me her telephone number, and I determined that I would contact her. But, never having had a conversation like this before, I decided to make how to approach this with Diane my question for the day.
Answer: 1 Ne 10:9-14
v.9-10--speaks of Christ being baptized by water, and that He should take away the sins of the world = Tell Diane that we believe that we are to follow Christ's example and to be baptized by immersion as He was (to wash away our sins and make us perfect as He is).
v.11--"Speak concerning the gospel" = Tell her that we believe that in order to return to God's presence, we must make special promises, or covenants, with God to metaphorically "unlock" the gate to heaven and let us enter.
"And after He had been slain He should rise form the dead, and should make himself manifest, by the Holy Ghost, unto the Gentiles." =  tell her that we believe that God loves each of us so much that after Christ died, He set up missionary work in heaven, to teach the gospel to those (in spirit prison) who didn't have the opportunity to hear and accept the gospel on earth. And that He has had temples built today so that we can vicariously make covenants with God and perform sacred ordinances for those who have died, so our beloved dead can also unlock the gate into heaven.
v.13--tell her that we believe that Heavenly Father dearly loves Helen and want her to be "led into the land of promise" (to be able to live with Him in heaven).
v.14--Tell her that we believe that Helen has heard the gospel in the spirit world (spirit prison) ("come to the knowledge of the true Messiah") and that she wants to be baptized and make those promises with God so she can return to live with Him.
(This answer reminded me of the speaker who had inspired me this last stake conference to do temple work for Helen, who had shared her experience asking her father for permission, and how she had explained to him that she believed their loved ones were in spirit prison and she felt the need to set them free.)

I then received some more guidance as I was reading about a woman's open-heart experience from "A Heart Like His this afternoon: "I began to pray before contacting her. I prayed about my heart, and I tried to be aware of it. I wanted the Lord to help me open my heart, to fill me with His love so that it would overflow to her. I prayed to see her as the Lord sees her." I realized as I read this that I should do this with Diane (and also with my kids, so I can see and love them as God does).

And as I re-read my goal list this morning, I felt more of that love as I was reminded that "my joy is found in my family and my covenants, and in helping others make and keep their covenants." My joy is found in helping my deceased ancestors, like Helen, come unto Christ.
I hope that my heart can be full of love for Helen and Diane as I speak with her, that Diane can feel of that love, and that her heart can be softened to grant me permission to do Helen's work, so Helen can be sealed to my Grandpa Roger and to the rest of our family eternally.

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

I am so excited to hear how this goes! What a cool experience it will be!!