Saturday, February 6, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 27

Question: How do I improve strained relationships with certain people in my life?

Answer: 3 Nephi 2: 12, 14, 19
Verse 12: Says they "did unite with their bretheren."
Verse 14-15: Speaks of the Lamanites being united with the Nephites and thus having their curse taken from them.
Verse 19: Says that they were in this situation because of their iniquity = meaning our relationship is strained because of the grudges I currently hold against them. I need to repent and forgive them for their "offenses" against me (after putting myself in their shoes first and understanding why they did what they did, and that it wasn't with malicious intent). I then need to open my heart in love to them (be united in love).
I then turned to the Index on "unity" for more insight, and read:
*"Be determined in one mind and one heart, united in all things" = I need to be empathetic and put myself in their shoes, to understand their motives and desires (see above).
*That people should have their "hearts knit together in unity and love" = I need to be on their team and seek their welfare. Most importantly I need to open my heart in gratitude, trust, GENEROSITY, and love to them, and to love and treat them as I treat myself.
*"Disciples unite in prayer and fasting" = that I can pray and fast to be able to improve in the above ways.
Update: I've acted upon several of these answers and am already seeing an improvement. What a blessing it is to have the Holy Ghost to be our honest friend and gently guide us in how we can improve.

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