Sunday, February 7, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 28

Question: How can I still honor the fast even when I am unable to fast (being pregnant)?

Answer: Mosiah 26 & 27
Chapter 27 verse 4: "Every man should esteem (love) his neighbor as himself" = by having my heart open and full of love to others (especially my family and those at church) and serving them.
As I looked around the page some more, I saw several other highlighted verses:
Verse 7: "And the Lord did visit them and prosper them" = Be open to His Spirit (humble, teachable, ready to learn) and His blessings.
Chapter 26 verse 39: "Pray without ceasing, and to give thanks in all things" = to keep a prayer in my heart (pray always) and express gratitude to God for all my many blessings.
Verse 38: "Walking in all diligence, teaching the word of God in all things" = keep the commandments (including keeping the Sabbath day holy), and to pray for opportunities to testify and teach the gospel (including in primary, at home, and on facebook).
Verse 29-31: Repent and forgive others (and thus partake of the sacrament worthily). I can also pray to know what else to repent of and who else to forgive (as we were counseled to at last general conference).
Verse 26: Exercise faith in God and let my heart be open to "testimony treasure"/testimony growing opportunities.
Not surprisingly, many of these answers reflected the answers I received in my Daily Question about how I could make the Sabbath a delight.

I went to church today with an open heart, in an effort to heed the answer I had been given this morning, and it led to a beautiful experience. Being open-hearted allowed me to invite a new sister to sit by our family for Sacrament meeting, and to speak to a less-active sister who was sitting alone before the meeting began. Being able to brighten their day a little brightened mine. And as I sat down (as the meeting began), I had the thought "I wonder if my dad saw me reaching out just now, and if it made Him happy and proud (both as a bishop and a father). And then I thought, I wonder if it made my Heavenly Father happy and proud too? I got emotional as I realized that it did--that my actions DID please Him. And I so dearly want to please Him and do His will.

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