Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our best friend Clifford

This afternoon, Bethany was looking at the pictures on the screen saver when she saw a picture of Travis. "Daddy!" she said excitedly, pointing at the screen. Then smiling, she said "That daddy's funny!" and giggled. It was so funny!

Today when we were at the library, they had a special story time that included a visit from Clifford (the big red dog). All the kids were excited to see Clifford, but he instantly became Bethany's best friend. She kept giving him hugs, holding his hand, and hi-fiving him, smiling all the while. It was adorable! Grace liked Clifford too, and also gave him some hugs and hi-fives, but wasn't fooled--she walked up to me after Clifford left the room and said "I don't think that was really Clifford; I think it was someone dressed up like him." Surprised, I replied "You're exactly right, Grace!" Can't pull the wool over her eyes! ;)

Tonight, I was kissing Cambree on the cheek before laying her down when she started giggling. So I kept kissing her and she kept giggling. It was the longest she's laughed yet, and it was so cute!

Today's Pictures:
A sweet lady helping Bethany grab on to the parachute for the parachute activity.
Clifford! I KNOW him! :) Giving hugs:


More hugs :)

Doing a little impromptu dance. I love my tiny dancer!

After their rest, Grace and Bethany came out of their room with these pom poms stuck down the back of their shirts, completely of their own invention. It was too cute!

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