Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wanting to be mommy

When I went to lay Cambree down for the twins' first nap this morning, Bethany insisted on helping me carry Cambree to the room, then when I put her in her bed, said "I kiss her! I kiss her!" and gave her two sweet kisses.

A little later, when I was laying Kaylee down for her nap, Bethany came in as I was singing the last verse of I'm a child of God and started singing it with me, as Kaylee reverently watched us. It was such a tender experience.

We were eating breakfast when Bethany suddenly pointed to her banana and said "It's yucky!" Looking at where she was pointing, I replied "No, it's not yucky. Those are just the seeds. It's not yucky." Not wholly convinced, she responded "Okkk...I try it." It made me laugh!

When we got in the car to take Grace to school this morning, Grace, having only put on a light jacket, said "I never thought it would be this cold!" (which is funny, since today is one of the warmest ones we've had all year). Then, as I was pulling out of the driveway, Grace said "I want to be mommy." Curious as to what made her think of that, I asked her what she looks forward to doing as a mom. After thinking for a moment, she said "Mmmm...Driving the car." Smiling, I replied, "That is fun isn't it?" To which she, with consternation in her voice and expression quickly said, "Why do you never let me pretend drive?!"

When we got back home, Bethany went in to the kitchen where her unfinished breakfast (of cereal) still sat out on the table. Upon reaching the table and seeing that her cereal was now a soggy mess, she said with horror "Oh my goodness! What happened (to) my cereal?!" It was hilarious!

This afternoon, I was singing "I'm all made of hinges" to Kaylee, and when I got to the part where it says "Hinges in front" I tickled her tummy and she laughed!

Today's Pictures:
Bethany and Kaylee holding hands:

Hiking in the backyard:

Sweet Kaylee:

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