Monday, January 25, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

Question: What should be our ultimate goal as individuals and families?
(I wanted to have this firmly in mind as I further develop our family mission statement as well as my own personal mission statement.)
Answer: Just after I prayed, Bethany woke up and needed to go potty. As I was waiting in the bathroom for her to finish, I decided to read the sticky notes I had taped to the bathroom mirror, which read "What is God's plan for my life?" then these telling words from other notes, like "Kingdom of God," "eternal life," "exaltation", and finally "the goal is an eternal family." The Spirit warmed my heart as I read the last line, and I realized that THAT is my ultimate individual and family goal--to have an eternal family. Each time I'm faced with a choice now I can ask myself "Will this action lead to life forever with my family and with God?" "Does this use of my time or attitude lead to an eternal family?" and then act accordingly.

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