Wednesday, January 13, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 3

Question: How can I better feel, and be open to, God's love?

Answer: Ether 5: chapter heading and verse 1
My interpretation: Heavenly Father has already told me what I should do (as this topic has been on my mind and in my prayers generally for several days) through:
1. Inspiration I received the other day through my reading of the talk "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe."
2. Tia's inspiration that she needed to remove her pride and acknowledge her weaknesses and her need for Christ's mercy and grace.
3. The inspiration I received yesterday to read "A Heart Like His".
In addition, both Travis (in his husband's blessing) and Elder Nelson (in his CES fireside) this last week have blessed me to be able to feel God's love (and to see manifestations of it in my life), so now I just need to do my part.
So I need to 1. Have faith (in His love), 2. Be humble (acknowledging the blessings and help I receive from God), 3. Have an open heart and mind (humbly be open and willing to receive it and share it), 4. Seek it, 5. Wait upon the Lord, 6. Follow Christ (follow His example and keep His commandments), and 7. Repent.

As thought about this topic more throughout the day, and discussed it with Travis, I received further insights:
1. To see myself as Heavenly Father and Jesus see me (They love me perfectly and they know me intimately. They know my potential. I am a being of light to them, and a beloved daughter and sister.)
2. When I have a thought about myself, ask "Is this coming from God or Satan?" "Is it what I think about myself, what I think others might think about me, or what God truly thinks about me?"

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