Sunday, January 17, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 7

Question: Am I really Heavenly Father's daughter and does He truly love me? (As inspired by Sister Wixom's Oct 2015 General Conference talk that I had listened to the day before).

Answer: YES! 3 Ne 27:20-21, 9
Verses 20 and 21 spoke of God's commandment and gospel, which are eternal truths, just as my divine nature as a beloved daughter of God is true.
Then I looked over at highlighted verse 9, which speaks of calling on the Father (who is also MY Father).
My prayer was further answered as I recorded my experience from the baptism I attended last night and thought of the words of the songs that had touched my heart there.
"A Child's Prayer" says "Pray, He is there, speak, He is listening (ask my daily question), you are His child, His love now surrounds you." He hears your prayers, He loves the children." (He heard your prayer and He want's you to know that you ARE His child and He LOVES you.) As I remembered this, I felt a warmth in my chest, realizing that that was exactly what I had been praying to know, and that I had received a direct answer to my prayer.
Then, I thought of "How Great Thou Art", which says "And when I think, that God His Son not sparing, sent Him to die...that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sins." Powerfully last night as I sang this song, but also this morning, I felt of Heavenly Father and Jesus' love to do those unimaginably loving and great things for me. It struck me that Christ DID take away my sins--that He suffered so I wouldn't have to, and that I CAN repent and TRULY be forgiven.  President Nelson's words that I read in my Ensign daily study today echoed this truth: "I bear witness of the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His redeeming, atoning, and sanctifying power." He truly can forgive and cleanse me.
As if that wasn't enough, I continued to receive tender mercies as witnesses of God's love throughout my time at Church today. Both of the talks that were given in primary spoke of God's love, as did the Relief Society lesson, which said "The knowledge that God lives, that we are His children, and that He loves us soothes the troubled heart" and "He (Christ) loved them and cared for them."
I was so grateful for ALL of His tender mercies towards me today. Truly, Father in Heaven is my Father and loves all of His children so much.

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