Saturday, March 22, 2014

My baby sisters

This evening, I went in to check on Cambree in her bed, and found her calmly laying awake. Smiling, I told her "What a happy girl!" and she responded with the biggest grins and coos! So I said "What a sweet girl!" and she smiled some more. It was too cute!

Hearing the babies cry on the monitor, Bethany grabbed the monitor, and, somewhat distressed, said "Sisters. Sisters. My baby sisters." She's said their names before, but never called them that, so it was really cute.

Tonight, when we were giving hugs and kisses at bedtime, Grace was kissing Kaylee when Kaylee made a smacking noise like she was kissing Grace back! Grace said "She gave me a kiss!" and was so excited about it. :)

Today's Pictures:
Our fun new pouring activity (see tomorrow's post for more). Bethany played with this for a solid half hour! Loved her serious concentration. :)

These cuties looked too sweet together not to take a picture:

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